Found 70 results
Family physicians' perspectives on outcomes, processes, and policies in dementia care. Health Affairs Scholar. 2025;3(1). doi:10.1093/haschl/qxae167 .
Training Standards for Personal Care Aides Across States: An Assessment of Current Standards and Leading Examples. San Francisco: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2025.
. Tribal Community Health Representatives (CHR): Home care workforce insights, experiences, and recommendations for elder care. San Francisco, CA: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2025.
. Association Between Self-Direction and Personal Care Aide Wages. Medical Care Research and Review. 2024;81(6). doi:
. The Increase in Contract CNA Staffing in U.S. Nursing Homes and Associated Care Quality Outcomes. San Francisco: University of California, San Francisco; 2024.
. Strengthening Primary Care Workforce Capacity in Dementia Diagnosis and Care: A Qualitative Study of Project Alzheimer's Disease-ECHO. Med Care Res Rev. 2024;81(5):384-394. doi:10.1177/10775587241251868.
Defining a Long-term Care Workforce Shortage Designation: A Conceptual Approach. San Francisco, CA: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center; 2023.
. Emerging Health Technologies in Long-Term Care and Suppliers’ Views on Their Potential to Assist and Support the Workforce. Medical Care Research and Review. 2023. doi:10.1177/10775587231190127.
. Impact of COVID‐19 on occupational injuries and illnesses among nursing care facility workers: Analysis of California workers' compensation data, 2019–2021. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2023. doi:
. The Relationship Between Scope of Practice Laws for Task Delegation and Nurse Turnover in Home Health. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2023. doi:
. Alzheimer’s Disease Services, Staffing, and Outcomes in Adult Day Health Centers. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2022. doi:
. Characteristics of Multiple Job Holders in Long-term Care. San Francisco: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2022.
. . Long-Term Care Staffing and Regulations: Impact and Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic. San Francisco, CA: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2022.
. Measuring the Financial Contribution of Peer Providers. San Francisco, CA and Ann Arbor, MI: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care, and Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center, University of Michigan; 2022.
. Personal Care Aides: Assessing Self-Care Needs And Worker Shortages In Rural Areas. Health Affairs. 2022;41(10). doi:
Prescribing Patterns in Nursing Home Residents Living with Dementia by Specialty and Provider Type. San Francisco, CA: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care\; 2022.
. Rural-urban prescribing patterns by primary care and behavioral health providers in older adults with serious mental illness. BMC Health Services Research. 2022;22(1440). doi:
. Utilization of Community Paramedics to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic. San Francisco: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2022.
. The Association of Race, Ethnicity, and Wages Among Registered Nurses in Long-term Care. The Association of Race, Ethnicity, and Wages Among Registered Nurses in Long-term Care. 2021.
. Financial Vulnerability and Worker Well-Being: A Comparison of Long-Term Services and Supports Workers With Other Health Workers. Medical Care Research and Review. 2021;78(5):607-615. doi:
. Impact of Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) on Personal Care Services Workers and Consumers in the United States. San Francsico: University of California, San Francisco; 2021.
. The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on California’s Registered Nurse Workforce: Preliminary Data. San Francisco, CA: UCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care; 2021.
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