Strengthening Primary Care Workforce Capacity in Dementia Diagnosis and Care: A Qualitative Study of Project Alzheimer's Disease-ECHO

TitleStrengthening Primary Care Workforce Capacity in Dementia Diagnosis and Care: A Qualitative Study of Project Alzheimer's Disease-ECHO
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsSideman, AB, de Jesus, AHernandez, Alagappan, C, Ma, M, Koenig, CJ, Alving, LI, Segal-Gidan, F, Goldberger, R, Sohmer, D, Rosen, H
JournalMed Care Res Rev
Date Published10/2024
KeywordsAlzheimer Disease, Capacity Building, Dementia, Female, Humans, Male, Primary Health Care, Qualitative Research

Primary care practitioners (PCPs) are the first point of contact for most patients with suspected dementia and have identified a need for more training and support around dementia diagnosis and care. This qualitative study examined the Alzheimer's Disease-Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (AD-ECHO) program. AD-ECHO was designed to strengthen PCP capacity in dementia through bimonthly virtual meetings with a team of dementia experts. We conducted 24 hr of direct observations at AD-ECHO sessions and interviewed 14 participants about their experiences participating. Using thematic analysis, we found that participants valued the supportive learning environment and resources; knowledge gained empowered them to take more action around dementia; they identified ways of disseminating knowledge gained into their practice settings, and many desired ongoing AD-ECHO engagement. However, most identified time as a barrier to participation. AD-ECHO has the potential to strengthen the primary care workforce's knowledge and confidence around dementia care.

Alternate JournalMed Care Res Rev
PubMed ID38819958
PubMed Central IDPMC11389049
Grant ListK01 AG059840 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States
R01 AG087166 / AG / NIA NIH HHS / United States