
Title Authors Type of Publication Year of Publication
Dementia Care Specialist Workforce in California: Role, Practice, Training and Demand Flatt, J.D.; Hollister, B.A.; Chapman, S.A. Report 2018
Community-Based Palliative Care Leader Perspectives on Staffing, Recruitment, and Training Dudley, N.; Chapman, S.A.; Spetz, J. Journal Article 2018
Nursing Home Implementation of Health Information Technology: Review of the Literature Finds Inadequate Investment in Preparation, Infrastructure, and Training Ko, M.; Wagner, L.M.; Spetz, J. Journal Article 2018
Racial/Ethnic Diversity in the Long-term Care Workforce Bates, T.; Amah, G.; Coffman, J.M. Report 2018
Changing home care aides: Differences between family and non-family care in California Medicaid home and community-based services Ko, M.; Newcomer, R.; Bindman, A.B.; Kang, T.; Hulett, D. Journal Article 2019
Geriatrician Roles and the Value of Geriatrics in an Evolving Healthcare System Bates, T.; Kottek, A.; Spetz, J. Report 2019
Director of Nursing Perceptions of Physicians' Roles in US Nursing Homes Wagner, L.M.; Katz, P.; Karuza, J.; Sharp, L.; Seet, A.; Kwong, C.; Spetz, J. Journal Article 2019
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Long-Term Care & the Health Workforce Chapman, S.A.; Miller, J.; Spetz, J. Report 2019
Medical Staffing Organization and Quality of Care Outcomes in Post-acute Care Settings Wagner, L.M.; Katz, P.; Karuza, J.; Kwong, C.; Sharp, L.; Spetz, J. Journal Article 2020
The Impact of Nurse Delegation Regulations on the Provision of Home Care Services: A Four-State Case Study Dudley, N.; Miller, J.; Breslin, M.L.; Chapman, S.A.; Spetz, J. Journal Article 2020
Supporting the Adult Protective Services Workforce Bates, T.; Chapman, S.A. Report 2020
Medical Care Delivery in US Nursing Homes: Current and Future Practice Katz, P.; Ryskina, K.; Saliba, D.; Costa, A.; Jung, H.Y.; Wagner, L.M.; Unruh, M.Aaron; Smith, B.J.; Moser, A.; Spetz, J.; Feldman, S.; Karuza, J. Journal Article 2020
Nurse Staffing and Coronavirus Infections in California Nursing Homes Harrington, C.; Ross, L.; Chapman, S.A.; Halifax, E.; Spurlock, B.; Bakerjian, D. Journal Article 2020
Racial Disparities in Financial Security, Work and Leisure Activities, and Quality of Life Among the Direct Care Workforce Muench, U.; Spetz, J.; Jura, M.; Harrington, C. Journal Article 2021
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on California’s Registered Nurse Workforce: Preliminary Data Spetz, J.; Chu, L.; Blash, L.K. Report 2021
