Employer Demand for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to care for Older People and People with Disabilities

TitleEmployer Demand for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners to care for Older People and People with Disabilities
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsHimmerick, KA, Miller, J, Toretsky, C, Jura, M, Spetz, J
Date Published12/2017
InstitutionUCSF Health Workforce Research Center on Long-Term Care
CitySan Francisco
Keywordschronically disabled care, geriatric care, nurse practitioners, Physician assistants

Demand for healthcare professionals with expertise in long-term care (LTC) and older populations is rising, due to projected growth in the older population and the increasing burden of chronic disease. One way to meet this growing LTC workforce demand may be to employ more nurse practitioners (NPs) and/or physician assistants (PAs). Studies have demonstrated the value of NPs and PAs in the care of older people, including when they are substituted for physicians.

This study is intended to inform educators, employers, and policymakers about employer demand for PAs and NPs in the care of older and disabled populations and to guide federal investments in workforce development and planning for these high-growth populations.