Utilizing Nontraditional Healthcare Delivery Practices: Alternative Care Sites During the COVID-19 Pandemic

TitleUtilizing Nontraditional Healthcare Delivery Practices: Alternative Care Sites During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKwong, C, Chapman, SA, Wagner, LM
Date Published06/2021
InstitutionUCSF Health Worforce Research Center on Long-Term Care
CitySan Francisco
Keywordsalternative care models, Alternative care sites, emergency medical response, pandemic response

A prime concern that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic is that hospitals and healthcare facilities may not have sufficient capacity to provide care during case surges. Alternate care sites (ACS) are nontraditional sites that are temporarily repurposed for providing healthcare services during public health emergencies, such as stadiums, hotels, and dormitories. During the pandemic, ACS have been utilized during the pandemic to relieve overcrowding.